52 Meetings in 6 days
August 1, 2016
The Three “P” s of Holiday Travel.
August 3, 2016In the days and months leading up to New Frontier Group attending the International Travel and Health Insurance Conference (ITIC), our entire staff worked tirelessly to ensure that every detail of our trip was covered. As the CEO of New Frontier Group, I was planning to host three VIP Cocktail receptions in an effort to meet new associates, get insight to key current concerns in the international healthcare market and roll out New Frontier Group’s rebranding programs.
Invitations had been mailed, food ordered, drinks ready to be served, and entertainment in place. I admit I was nervous – would anyone show up to our VIP Cocktail receptions? Fortunately, the saying “If you build it – they will come” translated to “If you host it – they will come”. Each reception was filled with guests wanting and willing to share their thoughts on relevant topics affecting the travel and health insurance industry.
Although the atmosphere at the receptions were relaxed and lively, serious conversations flowed regarding the concerns and needs that current Insurances, Assistance Teams, Doctors and Affiliates are facing in the international travel industry. There was great uneasiness from the international market on Obamacare and how this would affect international travelers who find the need for medical care in the US. I was able validate their concerns and explain how New Frontier Group was already addressing this issue through our many cost containment solutions.
Another area repeatedly asked about by global healthcare executives was whether New Frontier Group was able to offer savings through both in and out of network contracts. Having a history of maximum performance in both areas, it gave me great pleasure to inform them of our proprietary strategies both in and out of network that allow us to review the best possible cost savings.
But it wasn’t all serious-minded conversations at the reception. Everyone seemed to enjoy the New Frontier Group Photo Backdrop opportunity. Others were enticed by the unique USB business cards and the floating globes that took center stage. Overall, everyone thrived in the relaxed atmosphere, enjoyed a glass of wine and engaged in the discussions on global healthcare.
Our VIP Cocktail receptions gave New Frontier Group the opportunity to connect with new, current, and potential clients and we truly want to thank ITIC for providing the scenario to make this happen.